Weave Movement Theatre regularly runs classes and workshops for people interested in drama, movement, spoken word, improvisation and role play. Sessions take place in a range of accessible venues in inner Melbourne. Please register your interest below and we will be in touch shortly regarding our upcoming classes.
Weave workshops are run by Janice Florence as well as a range of guest workshop facilitators. Weave has worked with teachers such as Zya Kane, Yumi Umiumare, Sarah Fiddaman, Peter Fraser, Michelle Heaven, David Woods and Nick Papas among others.
Facilitators will lead you through improvisation, drama and movement exercises with an emphasis on creativity, fun, technique and skill development. The classes will focus on group and individual work.

Performing arts teachers and facilitators are encouraged to undertake inclusive practice training with Weave members and Artistic Director Janice Florence in order to broaden their knowledge and capabilities in accessible practices. We are able to travel to your place of work or training and take you through step by step methods with an accessible approach. Please email us if you are interested in the service.
The Weave ensemble are able to perform one of their current performance pieces at your next conference or event. Weave has experience performing in a number of different settings from conferences to festivals, on the street and in theatres. Be part of a movement for change and feature an inclusive theatre piece at your next event.